Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pet Expo

Garrison is a HUGE fan of animals. And since we will probably never have one at home, we have to let him get his fill somewhere.

The Pet Expo was actually more entertaining than I thought it would be. We watched pig races, dogs being trained and saw all sorts of animals. The kids also got to bottle feed a baby pig. My favorite part of the Expo was when Garrison walked up to a group of people who all had Great Dane's (which were black and white) and said: "I pet yo cow?" They got a kick out of it - and I don't think I will ever forget either!

Waiting for the pig races - with my lil piggie

Gigi feeding the piglet.. Notice who couldn't wait his turn!

His turn to feed the piglet!
"I pet yo cow?"
His facial expressions are priceless

Again with the faces!

They loved this dog! He was a really good dog too!