Friday, July 29, 2011


Gigi and Maddie have been having some slip-n-slide fun this summer. They have found some creative ways to change it up. The first day they used the slip-n-slide the way it was intended to be used, with the hose hooked up to it. The next day they were feeling a bit more adventurous & put some baby wash on the slip-n-slide as well... and they were definitely sliding. Then the following day they were very imaginative & lathered themselves in pudding and the slip-n-slide with pudding and went slidin'! They had a great time & I am sure Gigi will never forget. Will I be getting Mother of the Year.. probably not again this year. Well, I take that back, maybe if 2 - 12 years were allowed to vote. I have realized in my 2.5 yrs of parenting... somedays you will let them just do about anything to entertain themselves. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kids In Motion

It's too hot outside to play most days - so we thought we would try to jump around inside. It was Gio's first trip to a "moon bounce place" since he started walking. I took him down one of the big slides several times because he seemed to enjoy it so much. And, well for Grayson there is not much she enjoys more than jumping, sliding and climbing her little heart out!

Here she comes!

Oh yeah, there was also a ball pit - an instant favorite for babies & germs!

I swear Gio liked it!

My sister, Gigi, and my niece Maddie

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Flour Fight!

Maddie & Gigi were looking for some crazy fun the other day & they (Maddie) - decided on a flour fight. Of course, Gigi was game. She had no idea what it was at first, but caught on really quick. She would throw flour on Maddie & then Maddie was barely throw some on her & she would say "Maddie, you get me all dooty".

They ran around the backyard with handfuls of flour and big smiles on their faces. It was fun to watch, I still have a fine layer of flour on my camera. I am thinking about sending some of the pictures to Gold Medal. I am pretty positive there will be more flour fights in Gigi's future.

Clean up was not as fun. The dew and rain took care of the backyard, but I had to wash Gigi's hair about 4 times.. Oh well, small price to pay to see her in a state of pure bliss.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Grandma's Fiesta

My mom (now known to me as "Grandma") celebrated a big birthday this year. So, we decided we would celebrate with a "surprise fiesta". We had a great time eating tacos, drinking Sangria and hitting a pinata.

Gigi loved the pinata. It was already broken, but she would hit it over & over again. My sister would then throw a bag of m&m's by her feet... and she would be so excited thinking they came out of the pinata. It was adorable. She entertained us in place of the mariachi's we wanted to get. 
Homemade Guac! Yum!


The Fiesta Room


Being Silly with Riles

My lil Senorita

Taco Time

Gigi with her Gamma

Little too much Sangria?


Watchout Kids - It's Uncle Bull's turn

Dinker's Turn!

Uncle Bull & Gigi (she can't get enough m&m's)

Gigi's Turn

Loving The Pinata

Got M&M's!

Mom with her 3 kids (missing Zach)

Not So Sure About The Fireworks They Are Going To Light

Happy Birthday Gamma!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sushi Night

So yesterday, I had a new experience... we made home-made sushi. It tasted oh, so, yummy. Gigi also had fun eating it with her "fish sticks" aka - chopsticks.

Friday, July 15, 2011

10 Months Old

Don't wait to make your son a great man - make him a great boy.  ~Author Unknown

Dearest Garrison,

It is official.. you have been out, longer than you were in! You have grown so much in the past month & I am trying my best to take in these last baby days. However, you are making it hard because you insist on being such a big boy.

You are learning so much lately & have really enjoyed being around your aunt, uncles, cousins and your grandma. You now are not only walking - but running. You almost never revert back to crawling anywhere.. of course, unless it's to crawl under the table to ge to the dog food. You have mastered the art of waving "hello" & "bye-bye", you are a little flirt & love to blow everyone kisses. You love to sing-a-long to several songs & even do the actions to some.

You are really enjoying summer. You love to splash in the water, swing at the park, jump on the trampoline and just take in the days sun. You took your first trip to a moon bounce place yesterday, where you loved walking around & tryed to make new friends.

I love your BIG smiles, your little tears, your sweet laugh and curious spirit. You are just! Happy 10 months to you, my honey boy!




Waving Hello!

Vroom, Vroom

One of his many "faces"