Sunday, November 27, 2011

Our Reasons To Be Thankful!

We spent this Thanksgiving in Alabama with Moses' family. We did a lot of celebrating: My birthday, Carmen's birthday, Thanksgiving, Natalia's birthday, Giovanni's baptism and brand new baby Anthony! The kids played from sun up to sun down and Grayson is already planning our next "special trip". I didn't take as many pictures as I wish I would have because I was just  too involved in the moments to worry about "capturing the moments".

We wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! We are most thankful for our rambunctious, sweet, adorable children!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Am Still Here!

If you have been wondering where I have been lately  -- I am still here!

I won't pretend that things haven't been crazy around here -- because they have!

I mentioned previously that I have a new wobby (work/hobby) and W.O.W. it has been keeping me busy! But, I feel like it's time to share what I have been up to, with you!

First off, there has been so many times I have casually met moms around town and they tell me what they do. I would think... really, you do that? that job exists? I would love to do something like that!

Drum roll, please......  I finally think I found that job for myself! It may not be perfect for everyone, but it's my dream job!

I am officially the Editor & Publisher of Macaroni Kid - Frederickburg.  I started this venture with my sister about a month ago. We publish a weekly newsletter of local events for the budget conscious parent. We also include some crafts, recipes, tips, etc. The BEST part - I do it from home!

Macaroni Kid has quickly become a passion for me as it has given me the opportunity to be out in the community helping other parents! And a few of the other perks -- Tickets for the family to: Sesame Place, Elmo Live, Barney Live, Busch Gardens and the Spy Museum ... just to name a few! Our weekends are booked from here through January! It's so exciting that I get to provide my family with such amazing shows and entertainment in return for an article about our experience.

If you haven't checked out Macaroni Kid - Fredericksburg yet, you should!

And, if you don't live around me - check out the Macaroni Kid in your area! It's FREE!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Grandma Broke My Heart

The other day while I was playing on the floor with Garrison, Grayson walked in the room with tears in her eyes. Before I could say anything she came a little closer to me and said "Grandma broke my heart". I was not sure I understood what she said, so I asked her again... "Grandma broke my heart." She kept saying it over and over.. I think because I was just staring at her in disbelief. She would add the occasional "I'm so sad because Grandma broke my heart." This went on for a few minutes and then she added some additional detail.. "Grandma stepped on it and broke my heart."

Just then it clicked.. while Grandma had been here about a month ago she stepped on one of Grayson's favorite dress-up accessories - her green heart ring. The ring had been hiding for awhile. Well, she found it and it's true -- Grandma broke her heart!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick Or Treat!

This is the first year Gigi has really gotten into trick-or-treating. She was so excited to go door to door. And loved oohing & ahhing over all the little kids in their costumes. She was not timid at all today (out of character) she would ring the doorbell and say "twick o tweat" without any hesitation. As soon as we walked away from one house she would look at me and say "how bout we go to one more house pwease." She had a fun time and has a bag full of loot that will be miraculously hidden by morning.

Little Gio had fun too... more along for the ride than the candy!

My lil pumpkin

My lil pumpkins!

Ready to go to the next house!

Carrying both her and her brothers bags!

Checking out all her goodies!

Has a mouthful & ready to move on to her next treat!

Our Halloween dinner :)