Thursday, August 5, 2010

-- 9 --

Grayson & I spent a great morning together. She crawled in bed with me @ 6:30a & the first thing she said to me was "Uv You" (Love You). Then of course the usual followed... "Gorge, Gorge?" (She wanted to watch Curious George). We ate breakfast, showered.. then were off to pick up a baby swing off Craigslist for Gio.. We got lost a few times on the way to the people's home.. no biggie though. We decided we needed to do some shopping at Tanger Outlets.. because it's Maddie's bday on Saturday. We shopped around, had great luck with the bday gift (10 minutes @ Aeropostale & we were done!). Of course no shopping trip could be complete without a trip to Gymboree & The Children's Place.. where we found some GREAT deals. All the while GiGi rode in her stroller without a "peep". She enjoyed watching the other mothers & kids as they did their last minute back to school shopping. It was almost 12:30 & I knew it was time to head home to make our 1p lunch time and 1:45 nap time.

When we arrived home I noticed it was a little warm in the house.. I understood because it was really hot outside today. We ate, put our purchases away & checked out the new baby swing.. Then time for night-night. While laying with GiGi I was only getting warmer. After she fell asleep I checked the thermostat.. Ahh, no wonder it was 80! I thought I just should turn it down.. because it was so hot! I kept checking & turning down the air.. pretty soon... yup 90 degrees.. as HOT as it registers. Time to call the repair man..

--90 degrees in the house
--Too hot to cook or eat @ home, $19.00 dinner bill
--Too hot to play - crabby 1yr 9 month old
--Too hot to sit or stand - miserable 9 month pregnant Mommy
--A/C repair man shows up at 9p
--A/C man says "nothing he can do tonight, he'll call @ 9a tomorrow
--Was 99% sure, I didn't want to stay at a hotel when gracious hubby offered. I was WRONG!
--Projected amount of sleep I will get tonight... umm.. 90 minutes?!?

Ahh.. hopefully tomorrow will be a much "cooler" day!

1 comment:

  1. Poor mommy and family. I hope the repair man does come early today and fixes it quickly.

    Post pics of Grayson soon. PLEASE!!

    Glad you were able to find good deals at Aero. Maddie will be thrilled.

    Love you!!
