Monday, August 16, 2010

A New Week...

Questions Of The Day? 

Why can I not make eggs or rice? Two "easy" things to make for most people. For me; however, my eggs stick to the pan (scrambled) and I won't even touch on trying to make any other type of egg. My brown rice ended up as brown rice soup today :( I followed the directions exactly... oh well, we just drained the water. It just always surprises infuriates me that I can never make it right :(

I remember my mom cleaning the brush spinner thingy on the vacuum when I was younger.. but YUCK! I never realized how disgusting a job that is.. So you are wondering what the question is...? Don't you think if you pay $300+ for a Dyson vacuum it should have a self cleaning button? I mean, my oven does!

Last question...? This one I expressed verbally to M earlier while we were at the pool with GiGi. He didn't know the answer (I don't think anyone would expect him to) & neither did I. If my water breaks while swimming will I even know it? 

Things that make you go hhhmmmm?

Here are a few pics of my sweetie @ breakfast (what a mess) and painting today!

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