Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Doggie and The Doctor

I realize the title of this post might be confusing. It is meant to be quite literal. The kids doctor (ENT) has a dog he brings into the office. Her name is Maggie and she is a Golden-Doodle and therapy dog. Garrison has fallen in love with her and looks forward to going to the ENT, just to see Maggie. For those of you who know me well, know that I am NOT an dog animal lover. However, I might make an exception for Maggie. She doesn't bark, shed and the kids can literally do anything to her and she just sits there. She has the longest eye-lashes and the best personality. I don't think we will ever be able to change ENT's because, we love Maggie too much!

Best Buds!

A (HUG) for Maggie
Trying To Ride Maggie
Sticking His Finger In Maggie's Mouth
GiGi Is Still Apprehensive (she takes after her mom)

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Kids Say The Darndest Things

Garrison: (hitting his sister in the head with a snowglobe).
Grayson: "Mooommmm, he keeps hitting me with this snowball"

Me: "Grayson, be a friend" (while playing with her cousins)
Grayson: "I'm just not in the mood, right now"

Garrison: "Hat"
Me: "Yes, that is a hat, that's a cowboy hat. Can you say cowboy hat?"
Garrison: "Mooooooo, hat"

Grayson: (Introducing herself & her brother) "This is my husband, Gio"

(Garrison climbed onto a chair that was still under the kitchen table)
Garrison: "stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck" (I didn't know that word was in his vocabulary. There was no sense of panic or urgency in his voice, just certainty. Which, is what made it even more hilarious).

(Grayson with jewel adorned plastic high heels on, purse on shoulder, and pushing her baby around in a stroller)
Grayson: "Mom, you know I am a wife?"
Me: "No, I didn't know that. Who is your husband?"
Grayson: "Well, he is 25 and lives at the North Pole."

(Grayson going on and on and on in the backseat of the car about a dragon that is stuck in our house. I heard her say something about Daddy and it caught my attention. I was expecting to hear how Daddy saved the day).
Me: "Grayson, what did Daddy do with the dragon?"
Grayson: "He did nothing, Daddy is SO scared of dragons!"

Daddy: "Grayson, you need to pick up your art stuff now"
Grayson: "Mom, my dad is driving me nuts!"

Daddy: "Grayson, it's time to clean up the toys"
Grayson: "Dad, don't bully me!"

(Putting Grayson to bed)
Grayson: "Mommy, will you lay with me and 'sungle' me?"
Me: "Sure, Grayson"
Grayson: "Mommy, I am going to stay with you forever."
Me: "I HOPE so Grayson" *tear, tear*

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

{IPhone pics from the last couple of weeks}
She ran out of paper
A new airplane from her uncle!
Minutes before her 1st bout with the stomach flu!
All the kids at once!
Anna & Garrison checking each other out
"I'm Superman!"
Go Giants!
Snuggles with my niece, Anna
Bike ride to the park!
Yea for neighbors with an older boy and girl! She gave me all these clothes!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Princess Party

I took G to a "princess party" at the high school on Saturday. She had an amazing time, and I am not going to lie, I had a pretty amazing time too. It was so fun to see so many little princesses dressed up! We played games, did crafts, ate a snack and met some princesses.

Most of the time we were there, we spent waiting in line for a balloon. Both my kids LOVE balloons and I think would wait forever, if they knew it was for a balloon. Grayson sat next to the lady making the balloons for an hour and a half. I watched them talking, laughing, and every so often Gigi would help her do something. It was finally Gigi's turn and I went to pay the lady and she would not accept any money for G's balloon. She kept telling me what a sweet, well-behaved girl she is (music to a mothers ears!) 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Much Fun!

Last week we had some surprise snow! The first snowfall of the year, really. The kids couldn't wait to get outside and play in it. We buddled them up, Garrison looked just like Randy for Christmas Story. We could just picture him saying "Grayson, I can't put my arms down."

Garrison didn't get to play outside for too long. Reason being, he thought it was funny to keep running into the street and watch me chase him on a layer of ice. But, "homey don't play that game". ***I never was allowed to watch In Living Color because I was like 10, but I snuck it anyway. Thanks to my older brother who had a TV in his room***

Grayson would have stayed out all night making snowmen, snowballs and snow angels. She made a pretty amazing snowman with the little bit of snow that had fallen (she may or may not have had a little help).

He can't be cute & happy all the time! He was so mad at me for bring him inside! I swear the camera enhanced the color & amount of snot he had!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Garrison - 16 Months

It's been about 3 months since I have updated you on my sweet boy, Garrison. First off, he is 16 months old now!!! When did that happen?

He continues to be such a delight to be around and he can't help but bring a smile to everyone's face. He loves making everyone laugh with his silly antics!

He now takes two and three step directions.. which helps out a lot! He loves to help clean and throw stuff in the trash. He often throws things in the trash that aren't supposed to be there such as shoes, sippy cups, his sisters baby stroller, etc.

He knows everyone around him by name and calls them by name. He calls his sister: Grayson, Gigi, Sissy, and C-Ster! It's so sweet!

He let's us know when he is about to potty and/or just pottied. So, we have started putting him on the potty. He always has a look of pride when he is sitting up there!

He talks and talks and talks. He will repeat (three times) anything you say to him. He can put three to four word sentences together. He is the brightest baby ever!

He still loves to dance. He definitely has "the moves like Jagger". Seriously, he is a really good dancer!

He doesn't like breakfast! Typically, he will eat applesauce or an orange and sometimes I can convince him to eat a pancake.

He still wakes up about 1-2 times per night. He goes to bed at 7:30p and wakes about 7:30a.. but is such an angel and will play and sing in his crib for about 30 to 45 minutes until I come get him.

He has almost all of his teeth in - including his molars. We are working on getting them all brushed everyday. Especially on days like today, when he ate a blue crayon.

His favorite game is to play tag with his sisters and cousins. He really just loves to run!

He is the sweetest.boy.ever! I can't keep my lips off his soft chubby cheeks! He has the biggest and best personality ever! Each day we discover something new about him.. so far, without a doubt we have made these conclusions - he is sweet, sensitive and hilarious! What other personality traits does a person need?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ear Surgery

In spite of the six thousand manuals on child raising in the bookstores, child raising is still a dark continent and no one really knows anything.  You just need a lot of love and luck - and, of course, courage.  ~Bill Cosby, Fatherhood, 1986

Dearest Grayson & Garrison,
Last week you both had ear surgery. The four of us drove to Fairfax and did some of your most favorite things: stayed in a hotel, ate out and went swimming!

The next morning we were at the surgery center by 6a. You both were such troopers and didn't complain at all that we had woke you up so early & didn't let you have anything to eat or drink.

The nurse gave you each a stuffed animal - Gigi a giraffe and Gio a bear - so you were instantly in love with her. You both were amazingly well behaved given the circumstances. We put you in your little matching gowns and talked to the doctors. The doctors and nurses had a plan in place of who was going first and so on and so forth. It put my mind somewhat at ease that they had it all figured out.

Garrison, you went first. Your dad carried you into the OR while I waited impatiently with your sister. It was so hard to see you being carried away from me into the unknown. It's a good thing I was distracted by your sister. Before I knew it, your dad was back and explaining to me that you fought the anesthesiologist with everything you had in you - that's my boy!  Soon after the doctor came in the room to tell us the surgery went well and that very soon you should be able to hear better and be pain free. Your dad went off to the recovery room to wait for you, while I stayed with Gigi.

Grayson, next was your turn. I carried you into the OR. It was such a scary looking room. The room was cold and bright with a big metal table and lots of people with masks on (including me). I had tears running down my face as I laid you on the big table and they put the mask on your face. The doctor asked you about your Christmas and you were so calm and politely told him about the different toys you and your brother got. I gave you a kiss and walked away. The nurse walked me back to the room.. I guess she thought I might try to stay near. Before I knew it - we were all in the recovery room. You both were awake and calm, no tears or screaming. We all snuggled as we waited for the anesthesia to wear off. 
Before we left, there were four more children brought into recovery. All four, were screaming and seemed to not have control over their actions. Which brought me to you two, both in obvious discomfort but in control of yoursleves.

I don't often take parenting advice from The Duggar's (or from anyone, for that matter) but something Jim Bob said years ago, has stuck with me. He spoke on how important it is for children to learn self control. That it is imperative in life that you be able to control your sadness, discomfort, anger, anxiety, etc. Since then, I have always tried to teach you to have self control (especially while in public). 

I couldn't be more proud of you, Grayson. You were incredibly brave and courageous, showing so much self control through your fears and pain. 

I love you both dearly and wish I could have taken both of your places that day. However, I am so happy that you are both so much healthier now. You both will be on antibiotics for such a short time longer, but are doing remarkably well. Garrison, you espicially! You started sleeping through the night(the day of your surgery)! Yes, 15 months you slept through the night for the first time! No more waking up 5-6 times a night. You must feel SO MUCH better! 

Now I know you both can hear me -- here's to hoping you both listen!

Wordless Wednesday

{Risky Business}

Monday, January 2, 2012