Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Last week was a week of crazy weather. First an earthquake with a few aftershocks, then a microburst that destroyed the backyard and then my first (that I remember) and the kids first hurricane. 

We were quite prepared for Hurricane Irene with food, flashlights, fueled up vehicles. Turns out, we didn't feel the effects of Hurricane Irene much at all. Just a lot of rain and wind. We did have a little hurricane party though as we all sat watching the weather channel. The party consisted of pizza and cookies! 

Gigi was lucky enough to be invited to the neighbors for their hurricane party which apparently was much more fun than ours.. it had bowling, painting, and glowsticks! She had a great time and was excited to wear her rain boots all day!

Ready To Face Irene

The Microburst That Destroyed The Trampoline & Some Of The Garden

It Also Destroyed The Table & Sent The Chair & Toys Flying

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