Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Dearest Grayson & Garrison,

Today you experienced your first and hopefully last earthquake. You both were about 20 minutes in to your afternoon naps when at 1:51pm our home began to shake. The earthquakes epicenter was about 40 miles from our house. The earthquake was about 3.7 miles deep and registered 5.9.

This was not the first earthquake I have experienced, but it was the most powerful. It was powerful to me not only in force but made me feel how strong my love is for the both of you, equally.

One day, you two will tease each other saying "mom loves me more." This is not true. Today it was proven. When the house began to shake, I had no idea on how long or severe the earthquake was going to be. Grayson you were upstairs in your bed & Garrison you were in your crib. As the shaking continued, I ran to the hall with a choice to go into your room Grayson, or your room Garrison. And, in that split second, with tears streaming down my cheek. I couldn't decide. Thankfully, the shaking stopped. I woke you both up, in fear of aftershocks and held you both tight. Grayson I tried to explain to you, what had happened.. but you are still to young enough to understand. The phones were out of service for sometime, so I was unable to check on your dad who was at work... which also had me worried. 

I want you both to know.. how deep my love is for the both of you. There is nothing either of you could ever do to change that. My love grows stronger for you both everyday. I appreciate the gift both of you are to me and on days like today, when I am humbled by Mother Nature, it is more evident than ever. 

Love Always,

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