Friday, July 29, 2011


Gigi and Maddie have been having some slip-n-slide fun this summer. They have found some creative ways to change it up. The first day they used the slip-n-slide the way it was intended to be used, with the hose hooked up to it. The next day they were feeling a bit more adventurous & put some baby wash on the slip-n-slide as well... and they were definitely sliding. Then the following day they were very imaginative & lathered themselves in pudding and the slip-n-slide with pudding and went slidin'! They had a great time & I am sure Gigi will never forget. Will I be getting Mother of the Year.. probably not again this year. Well, I take that back, maybe if 2 - 12 years were allowed to vote. I have realized in my 2.5 yrs of parenting... somedays you will let them just do about anything to entertain themselves. 

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