Friday, July 15, 2011

10 Months Old

Don't wait to make your son a great man - make him a great boy.  ~Author Unknown

Dearest Garrison,

It is official.. you have been out, longer than you were in! You have grown so much in the past month & I am trying my best to take in these last baby days. However, you are making it hard because you insist on being such a big boy.

You are learning so much lately & have really enjoyed being around your aunt, uncles, cousins and your grandma. You now are not only walking - but running. You almost never revert back to crawling anywhere.. of course, unless it's to crawl under the table to ge to the dog food. You have mastered the art of waving "hello" & "bye-bye", you are a little flirt & love to blow everyone kisses. You love to sing-a-long to several songs & even do the actions to some.

You are really enjoying summer. You love to splash in the water, swing at the park, jump on the trampoline and just take in the days sun. You took your first trip to a moon bounce place yesterday, where you loved walking around & tryed to make new friends.

I love your BIG smiles, your little tears, your sweet laugh and curious spirit. You are just! Happy 10 months to you, my honey boy!




Waving Hello!

Vroom, Vroom

One of his many "faces"

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