Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Flour Fight!

Maddie & Gigi were looking for some crazy fun the other day & they (Maddie) - decided on a flour fight. Of course, Gigi was game. She had no idea what it was at first, but caught on really quick. She would throw flour on Maddie & then Maddie was barely throw some on her & she would say "Maddie, you get me all dooty".

They ran around the backyard with handfuls of flour and big smiles on their faces. It was fun to watch, I still have a fine layer of flour on my camera. I am thinking about sending some of the pictures to Gold Medal. I am pretty positive there will be more flour fights in Gigi's future.

Clean up was not as fun. The dew and rain took care of the backyard, but I had to wash Gigi's hair about 4 times.. Oh well, small price to pay to see her in a state of pure bliss.

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