Promise me you'll always remember: you're braver than you believe and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. -Christopher Robin
My Dearest Garrison,
You have reached 8 months! I can hardly believe what a big boy you have become, so fast! You are by far the cutest little guy I have ever laid eyes on. You have changed so much in the past month, I feel as if though you are skipping the "baby phase" and going right to being a toddler.
Some of your new tricks are: standing without holding on to anything, walking with the help of sisters baby stroller, saying "papa & yuckie", blowing kisses on demand, using your pointer finger & thumb to pick up food & feed yourself.
We took you to the doctor 2 weeks ago and they measured you twice. Why? Not to be thorough but, because they couldn't believe what a big guy you are. You were off their charts for height & head circumference. You are 31 inches tall, 22 pounds & your head circumference is 46.5 inches. One BIG boy!
It's hard to believe you are 8 months old already the time has gone so too fast. But, it also feels like I have known you my whole life! I love you so much and am looking forward to seeing what this month brings.. (hopefully more sleep!)
Your 1st Chicken Bone |