Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So lately you need a translator to understand my lil GiGi.. Well, I don't just everyone else does! She is talking so much lately & trying so hard to get her point across.. it gets really frustrating -- for both of us! In case you come in contact with her in the near future, here is the "Grayson To English" manual.. (clif notes version)

1.  Boo, Boo... Bye = Shoo, Shoo... Fly (which she says to all bugs, not just flies)
2.  Uhno = Window
3.  KeyKey = Cookie
4.  PooPoo = Pool (not what you thought it was going to be, right?)
5.  Es, Mum = Yes, Ma'am
6.  Scuze You = Excuse Me
7.  Bess You = Bless You
8.  Uh, Here We Goo = Well this is a literal translation, but she only uses it in the car when she thinks you are driving too fast, take a corner too sharply, or stop too quickly. It absolutely cracks me up!

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