Sunday, September 5, 2010

Daddy Daughter Time

GiGi loves to GO! As we all know, so does her Daddy! So when they run out to get gas for the mower, get a car wash, pick up some cheese from the grocery store... I'm amazed at what I can get done. 

Although she goes out with a onesie, hair a mess, and mismatched shoes... they have a great time together. It makes me so happy to see how much they love each other and enjoy spending time one on one.

I don't always get exactly what I would have "picked up" at the store. But, the most important thing to me is.. the memory's they make!

What a GREAT dad... Entertaining both GiGi & Isaac (Carmen's Son)
I asked for cheese.. I got CHEESE (8 Cups)! Remember, we are a family of three :)

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