Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

Our Easter was definitely low-key this year. Gigi is still fascinated by Christmas and is always requesting to watch a Christmas movie and we usually don't go more than 24hrs without hearing a "Merry MissMiss".

She didn't know what to expect for Easter, but was happy when she awoke to the playroom/basement filled with goodies! Both the kids loved their baskets and were excited to find all of their eggs!

We went to IHOP for breakfast and then spent the afternoon at the park. It was quite perfect. The ice cream truck pulled up as we were getting ready to leave, so of course we decided we must stay a little longer. The kids were able to ride their bikes and we finished the day by grilling out and eating on the deck. Happy Easter!

The Goodies

His Puppy Flashlight

LOVE How Excited Garrison Is!

The Aftermath

My Boys

Daddy Daughter Time

It's Our Family Tradition - Every Holiday/Outing Must Result In A Minimum Of One Tantrum

Here Mommy, Have Some!

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