Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Day At The Beach (Well, Kinda)

M is at drill this weekend, so our normal weekend entertainment is left up to me. Gigi has been begging me to take her to the beach and I have been seriously considering taking the kids to the beach a couple days this summer. I have my reservations about taking them - the sun, the water, the sand.

Today we did a trial run. I took them to the river which has a sandy beach entrance. We brought along some buckets, shovels, a butterfly net and of course cupcakes.

Garrison didn't like the feel of the sand. He didn't cry or fuss - he just said it hurt his feet. Two of Grayson's most favorite things in the world are sand & water, so she was in heaven. She met another 3y old girl to play with and started her own bucket brigade. She definitely didn't want to leave - but Gio was hungry and all I brought was cupcakes (yup, Mom of the year).

She "dug" right in

He wasn't going to step off the towel!
He decided it would be okay to get his feet wet

Then splash around a little

He loved the mud - of course

Right before he fell into the water :)
Always such a loner

Her bucket brigade

Sand Angels

This picture is not enhanced - that's the color of her hair when the sun hits is just right

A Self-Portrait!


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