Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Beautiful Union

Two weeks ago, we had the pleasure to witness a beautiful union! My nephew Cole, married his long-time girlfriend, Jaclyn. It was the most spectacular wedding I have ever been to. The venue was grand, the food was fabulous and the bride was breathtaking!

Moses had the honor of being the Best Man, Grayson was a flower girl and Garrison was a ring bearer. I was nervous that the kids might not perform on cue. However, they did great! Garrison walked down the aisle perfectly, he was a little doll!

It was definitely an evening to remember and I have never had such confidence that this is a marriage that will last forever!
Some of the fam!
Getting ready!
The flower girls!
Uncle Bull & Gio
Couldn't get them both to look!

The kids!

She wanted to catch the bouquet so bad!

And she did!

With her face!!

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