Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Grayson's Christmas Performance

Gigi's school had their Christmas program last night. They all had matching shirts with a cross on the front and their hand prints that resembled angel wings on the back. We had been practicing her songs for the past couple weeks and her favorite was "Go Tell It On The Moon".

She did such a great job performing... she tried her best to sing and remember the hand motions to the songs. Seeing her up there singing brought tears to my eyes. She is growing so fast and into such a beautiful little girl! I couldn't be more proud of my little angel!
Getting Excited! (I can't get enough of her shoes!)

Her Angel Wings

Sitting Pretty!

Waving At Us :)

She Also Copied The Conductors Hand Movements.. It Was So Sweet!

Her Daddy Brought Her Flowers - She Was THRILLED!

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