Friday, January 14, 2011

Graysonisms - Part II

First of all just about every word, sentence, or phrase is followed by Mommmmmaa.

Ode-Don-Tie  (said as fast a humanly possible) = Hold on Tight!
Buppy/Bubby = Buddy (her other nickname for Garrison)
Sue-Ka (usually said in a begging tone) = Sucker
Poke-Aye = Pocket
Bass = Bath
Daaee irk = Daddy's at Work
Sue-win = Snowing
Kookin = Cooking

Apparently she thinks babies can only hear her if she speaks in a high pitch voice. Because whenever she speaks to her babies and Gio, the neighborhood dogs are the only ones that can hear her.

She has her first canker sore today. She came to me with Desitin in her hand wanting me to put it in her mouth. I always would tell her that the Desitin would make her "owie" bottom feel better. Apparently she thought the Desitin would make her mouth feel better too!

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