Sunday, October 17, 2010

Struggling with GiGi!

The past few days for me have been a struggle with GiGi. She has had her mind set on testing my patience every minute of every day! Here is a poem that best describes the past few days...

You make me laugh, you make me cry, today you made me want to die.
You always manage to make a huge mess, I have learned to expect nothing less.
Everday is a new test, which makes life hard because you never let me get any rest.
You are the reason Santa created a naughty list, and that I must pay to see a therapist.
You are the most stubborn girl I have ever met, but most people say that about their child, I bet.
You often make me have a glass of wine, but at the end of the day I thank the Lord that you are all mine!

This poem is just a joke... although we struggle almost daily, I love her to death.

For those of you that are not parents or have no sense of humor... please do not call the suicide hotline --

1. I really did not want to die
2. I don't really see a therapist (although some might think I should, lol)
3. I am not an alcoholic

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