Saturday, January 3, 2015

2014 Highlights!

We spent NYE night at home in our pajamas. The thrill of staying up all night on NYE is long gone. Since this year we have a 2 week old... I stay up all night long, just about every night.

 One of my goals for 2015 is to blog more. So why not start with the highlights from 2014!

1. Went on a week long cruise


2.  M accepted a position with the Dept of Energy

3.  We sold our house in Poulsbo in 4 hours with multiple offers!

4.  We drove across country with 2 kids (again)!

5.  We were able to visit CO twice this year!

6.  We bought a new home in Knoxville

7.  Gigi started kindergarten

8.  Gio started preschool

9.  We met up with my family in VA


10.  Visits with M's family (so nice to be able to make it to birthday parties, baptisms, holiday celebrations, etc!)

11.  (last but not least) We became a family of 5! We welcomed Marit Pilar on 12-13-14

It was a great year, full of surprises and change for all of us. I'm looking forward to 2015!

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