Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Gigi and Baby

If you have had the pleasure of getting to know my darling daughter, then {undoubtedly} you have also met Baby. Yes, that's Baby with a capital B. Baby has come to be a member of our family. She accompanies us everywhere, has meals with us, has her own dirty laundry {she wears cloth diapers} and must be carefully watched.

Grayson has been in love with Baby from the day she got her {thank you Riley}. She is the most unbelievable mom. She loves Baby with a passion I have never witnessed from any other 4 year old.

Watching Grayson with Baby melts my heart. Grayson's children will be the luckiest kids ever - because if her maternal instincts at 4 are this amazing, I can't imagine what the future holds. I am so blessed to have a daughter whose heart has no boundaries, a daughter that puts others needs before her own, a daughter who has taught me about being a mother - through her example!

Notice How She Is Holding Her Hand? So Sweet!

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