Each and everyday with two toddlers running around I have these moments. The moments where I stop in my tracks and try to ingrain in my mind the look on their face, the sound of their laughter or the feel of their little fingers wrapped tightly around my neck. I live for these moments.
Oddly enough as time passes I have come to realize that they are not the moments when we are on vacation, at a fancy restaurant or some elaborate kid friendly place. They are the everyday moments. They are when we are at home and I have a load of laundry in my arms and I see Grayson (who dressed herself from head to toe) sitting with her baby while watching her new favorite movie, Lalaloopsy. It's when Garrison walks up from the basement with a cheesey grin wearing nothing but his sisters bicycle helmet.
These are the moments I cherish. The moments I hope I never forget.

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