Thursday, June 16, 2011

9 Months Old

"Your sails are set for the joyous trip called life, may you always find brisk winds,
a guiding star and a safe harbor."

Dearest Garrison,

What a month this has been! Separation anxiety has set in for you & it has made life difficult for your sister & I (and occasionally your dad). You cry whenever you cannot see me & you NEED to be touching me at all times. Most days I am not sure if I am more frustrated or flattered. Truthfully, I feel so special that you have chosen me to be your "safe harbor." 

You have been spending a lot of time at the pool. You are my little water baby that loves to splish-splash around and be goofy with your daddy. You get a lot of attention at the pool with your great attitude & your adorable white hat.

You are almost walking. You walk with assistance all of the time. But, now you can go from the ground to standing without using anything to support yourself & have taken a few steps. We are estimating in the next week or two, you will be going strong.

You can say "mama" and "papa" like a pro. You always use them correctly and sometimes tease us with it..  you often will say the opposite of what we are begging you to say.

You are such a sensitive, sweet, bright-eyed little boy. My lips are constantly glued to your soft, chubby cheeks. You are a brilliant little guy and you have been such a light in our lives. We love you dearly Garrison.

a.k.a - Your Safe Harbor

In your new lil sailor suit.. it was too cute not to snap a pic, even the tag is still on & it isn't buttoned all the way

You LOVE to brush your teeth

So happy!

We Love You!

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